Shooting vintage racing has provided me with something that no other form of racing that I shoot has. That is the ability to go back to my youth. But even more than that, it gives me the ability see up close the race cars I could only dream about back then. Being a model car builder, I built all of my favorites in pains taking detail. Now being able to see the real thing driving at speed as they did back then gives me a feeling I just can’t properly put into words. So long live these vintage beauties, and may they continue to race long into the future
Vintage Can-AM
Can-AM produced so many iconic cars there is not space to include them all. These are just a few of my favorites.

Vintage Trans-AM
I was truly in love with Trans-AM. If I were older, and had money, I would definitely bought a 70 Mustang.

Vintage Formula 1
We will end with a few vintage Formula 1 screamers. If you have ever heard these V10 and V12 monsters, you will know what I mean by screamers.